Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Comment on Saif'sArticle NAI March 29

Whole progressive movements throughout the Middle East are over taken by religious forces in early 1990s, why? The fall of USSR created a vacuum and those who usurp the political power degenerated so fast that there was no any other option before the social forces except joining the religion based politics. Hamas, Hezbollah, Brotherhood gave the call and people joined them. Thanks to Yasser Arafat and his team who were exposed for their naked corruption. The best way to defuse their so-called Saintly face is to allow them to run the Government. India has learnt this lesson, BJP who rose to the popularity chart after demolishing Babri Mosque in 1989, formed the Central Govt in 1999 and a little later, ousted from the power in 2004 only. They proved to be more corrupt within five years than Congress did it in more than four decades.
We need to see them in office and then watch them going DOWN..!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

On First year of New Age Islam,NAI comment March 2,2010

Sultan Shahin deserve a standing ovulation for his tireless efforts to run New Age Islam, it’s truly a meaningful project for the entire Muslim community on this planet. At least it provided a platform to ventilate the views on all relevant issues however, as he categorically stated it..he has a long way to go which is full of obstacle, struggle and offenses for sure. He deserve full marks for his simplest quest and inspiration as he wanted a minimum agenda to put forward i.e. discussion. He successfully launched a platform to breath and provided a space to stand with a difference within community. He is a warrior in real sense as he decided to swing a sword of knowledge, inquisitive inquiries and honest investigation about the Islam, a religion who claimed to be a perfect religion and its believers claims it to be final and absolute.
The creation and emergence of New Age Islam is a testimony that Islam needs to be debated and once you realize something to be debatable, it’s not absolute. Unfortunately, we are divided in two camps since the inception of Islam, one who believed that there is room for further development and strived for Ijitihad and on the other hand the second camp insisted that it’s complete. Generally, the second camp remained powerful as they had the political power and ran all state of affairs. They were the one who compiled all the related literature and developed jurisprudence and gave enough fodder to status-quoits but they remained under constant threats of the forces of Ijitihadis.
Ongoing fight of these two camps can be seen clearly in the cyber space, both parties are armed with their lethal arguments, historical evidences, statements, quotes or scriptures but the struggle continue. Shahin was asked to prove his credentials, intentions, and agenda many times. He was personally attacked in the comments that he had to resort to some sort of censorship. He knew it specifically that what kind of offenses he is going to face if he start a ‘debate’ in Islamic community. It was forbidden territory. A so-called educated engineer or Doctor would easily give-up before the illogical stuff of Mulla from generation to generations. We are told that they are Aalim and you can’t question them. We are brought up in this environment that you have to ‘believe’ only. New Age Islam provided a platform to question everything, now Mr. Haque has a point to ask about the credentials, understanding of the subject, intentions of Shahin.
Shahin Saheb, one does not require a degree to ask a question, you have opened a Pandora box of questions by debating Niaz Fatehpuri, Kathavachak Dr Zakir Nayak, Al Quida, Taleban etc. Let them know that power of logic is much stronger than their Kalashnikovs and explosive belts. They are frightened creatures and coward. You have paved a way to debate and discuss things, which are really possible in the true spirit of Islam. Please continue your struggle as its much needed aspect for Islam and Muslims as such. Thanks to The Hindu who gave you space, let other papers fill their pages with colourful semi-porn stuff, I am sure, they will also realize the relevance of your WORK. Keep it up..!!!