Friday, September 4, 2009


Interesting analysis which is unfortunately one sided; it’s a study thru military eye. It would be a complete study once you use your second eye, i.e. socio- political and economical analysis. Americans or western minds are quite prone to conduct studies thru military point of view since they can’t afford to have a socio-political study for KSA or other Middle Eastern countries. They are duty bound to protect Kingdoms of the rotten Royals of this region.

The use of Al-Asiri as stratagem by AQAP is not new one, many Islamic rulers did it in the past and the one who knows the Ummayads and Abbasid’s rule, they used this tactics very efficiently against their foes in the past.

AQAP is deriving all his tactics and paradigm from old political Islamic history. But what they want to achieve out of such assassination? Are they going to usurp political power in KSA by eliminating some Princes? Saudi system is run by more than 5000 royal dignitaries, how long they will continue to wage a lame war against Saudi govt.? they are not going to achieve any significant political goal by conducting some attempts on the Royals for sure, rather they will force Saudi system to be more stronger, more militarily equipped to smash any sort of threat be it AQAP or any other group. To my mind, the motives of AQAP are only to put more pressure on Saudi system so that they could negotiate a deal. AQ is weak; they are being targeted in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and KSA as well. They are fighting with their enemy no.1 US and allies militarily but definitely go for a negation with KSA (read Wahabi-Salafi) with whom they have little ideological differences.

AQ seems to have learnt a lesson from Che Gueverian tactics also which says, you can achieve revolution if you have following conditions: 1. Divided ruling class (one section should be sympathetic to revolutionaries), 2. You should have few committed Comrades. 3. You should have Arms to fight. Bathist used this tactics successfully in Syria, Iraq etc now AQ wants to use it in KSA or elsewhere. They seem not to have the First condition in their favor since their blue print is vague and do not have an appeal for the masses or amongst ruling class in general. They have only military agenda which is based upon stratagem or terrorist activities; their powerful enemy is stronger than their prescribed Offer of so-called Islamic state (read Nizam-e-Khalifa). They are regressive and reactionary in character, so are destined to be defeated, the most unfortunate thing of this saga is, the (would be) winner is also reactionary, camouflaged with democratic face. Do we have enough forces to take the account for real Democratic aspiration of the masses?

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