Friday, September 4, 2009


The incident of Vaishali is a painful, grim reminder to any individual who is related to peace, harmony and tranquility of the society. The menace of sectarian Wahabiyat is spreading rapidly in India. If we are to believe the reports, Saudi Money is being spent to take over Muslim Educational Institutes, Mosques, Madarsas etc to give a free ride to Wahabi-Salafi combination.
Some of esteemed readers of New Age Islam showed their dissent toward the publication of this article and termed it as a tool to divide Muslim Ummah which is actually a baseless argument indeed. New Age Islam has done a commendable job by bringing this issue to the fore and provided us an opportunity to discuss this issue at length. Whosoever has even a little bit sense of belongingness toward Muslim community or a small fraction of love for humanity, would love to know who is undermining the peace within our society.
Divide amongst ourselves are not because of New Age Islam; we have a history of ideological differences, dissents and revolt from the time of Caliphates, New Age Islam is a platform to discuss our weaknesses and to understand our internal problem in a right perspective by using the technological miracle.
Shahin Saheb has dealt this issue while responding to Mr. Tashoo who was quite receptive to agree his point.
There is famous quote of great leader Mao which is relevant here, ‘know your friends, know your enemies, you can win hundreds of battles without fear and defeat’. The problem is, we really don’t want to believe that we are chronically SICK and have been treated by Neem Hakeems (quacks) down the ages.
We Muslims believe that we are perfect. We believe, we possess the final truth. We believe that we are superior. We believe all those scriptures who make us believe that we are the ‘final’ creature on the face of this planet. These are not a symptom of a healthy mind but rather they are the stark reflection of our false beliefs. Sooner or later, if we long for a cure, we have to understand the sickness. We have acute problems and Vaishali, Shaharanpur’s incidents are the testimonies.
It is visibly clear that this new divide is taking place on the grass root level of India.
The way Saudi money is being utilized for this purpose or even by the Muslim Expats. Money is being spent on medieval institutions is alarming. What would be the end-product from these Institutes is separate issue? Pakistan is now facing the burns of this situation; India may follow in the future if we did not take this issue seriously. We have to be aware of the funding Institutes, source of the finance and its motives. We also need to see closely about the vast money is being collected from Gulf Countries by the Mullahs in the name of Zakat, they travels a lot in this month of Ramadhan to collect Funds and most of this money is without any reliable regulations (like audit etc). We need to question about the syllabus of the Madarsas whose products are virtually non-productive in economic terms, non-performance at the level of nation building and finally become a liability to the society. We can’t Question it unless we come to a conclusion that we are sick, those who still believes that they are fine and healthy are living in gloomy dreams only.

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